Friday, July 31, 2009

One of our bunny people needs you!

I got this from one of our volunteers who is headed back to LA in September.  We need her!  The bunnies need her!
She's looking for a position in TV or video production.  Her resume is great and as volunteer coordinator, I can recommend her highly. sounds like you have lots of new volunteers and lots of fuzz butts getting forever homes which is awesome! So I wanted to let you know that I am doing my best to return to L.A. in September, but I will be doing so without a job, which of course is a little scary. If you don't mind keeping your ears open for me about any jobs in television or video production, I would be very grateful.

Can't wait to see some buns again!

~Allie Schnapp

Contact her directly for her resume, etc.  If you have contacts in 'the biz' out there, plz forward this!
Thanks to all our wonderful peeps out there who help when we need it! 
We love you.

Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous

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