Monday, November 30, 2009

Jose Mujica is Uruguay's new President - Exploring Uruguay Blog - rabbitmatch's posterous

Montevideo is alive right now with horns honking and people who support the Frente Amplio yelling "Viva Pepe" in the streets. Fireworks are popping off in the distance and very dark storm clouds are rolling in soon to drench this great city.

"Pepe" is President Jose Mujica's nickname. As the new President for Uruguay, Jose Mujica will bring a colorful rule to this great nation.

More history on why this is such an interesting win:

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Jose Mujica is Uruguay's new President - Exploring Uruguay Blog

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November 29, 2009

Jose Mujica is Uruguay's new President


Montevideo is alive right now with horns honking and people who support the Frente Amplio yelling "Viva Pepe" in the streets.  Fireworks are popping off in the distance and very dark storm clouds are rolling in soon to drench this great city.

"Pepe" is President Jose Mujica's nickname.  As the new President for Uruguay, Jose Mujica will bring a colorful rule to this great nation. 

Jose Mujica spent 14 years in prison during Uruguay's military regime; because he was the founder of the Marxist Tupamaros guerillas.  He's friends with Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.  He's vowed to bring change to Uruguay.

In July Pepe made a speech and vowed to repent "the stupid ideologies that come from the 1970s - I refer to things like unconditional love of everything that is state-run, scorn for businessmen and intrinsic hate of the United States.  I'll shout it if they want: Down with isms! Up with a left that is capable of thinking outside the box! In other words, I am more than completely cured of simplifications, of dividing the world into good and evil, of thinking in black and white. I have repented!"

Often outspoken and causing controversy with his speeches calling Argentina "a nation of morons"... It's definitely going to be an interesting ride with Mujica as President of Uruguay.

No matter what happens, I'm sure it will be colorful.


Posted at 09:24 PM in Politics | Permalink

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alinda said...

In Punta del Este two weeks ago. The parade was miles long and everyone was enjoying themselves. We're glad he won.

Brian and Chrystal said in reply to alinda...

Hi Alinda,

Thanks for sharing your photos and your opinion of Mujica. Do you have any thoughts on what his win could mean, if anything, for expats like ourselves? We have a thread going on the Exploring Uruguay Forum if you have any thoughts to share.

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Jose Mujica is Uruguay's new President


Montevideo is alive right now with horns honking and people who support the Frente Amplio yelling "Viva Pepe" in the streets.  Fireworks are popping off in the distance and very dark storm clouds are rolling in soon to drench this great city.

"Pepe" is President Jose Mujica's nickname.  As the new President for Uruguay, Jose Mujica will bring a colorful rule to this great nation. 

Jose Mujica spent 14 years in prison during Uruguay's military regime; because he was the founder of the Marxist Tupamaros guerillas.  He's friends with Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.  He's vowed to bring change to Uruguay.

In July Pepe made a speech and vowed to repent "the stupid ideologies that come from the 1970s - I refer to things like unconditional love of everything that is state-run, scorn for businessmen and intrinsic hate of the United States.  I'll shout it if they want: Down with isms! Up with a left that is capable of thinking outside the box! In other words, I am more than completely cured of simplifications, of dividing the world into good and evil, of thinking in black and white. I have repented!"

Often outspoken and causing controversy with his speeches calling Argentina "a nation of morons"... It's definitely going to be an interesting ride with Mujica as President of Uruguay.

No matter what happens, I'm sure it will be colorful.


View the entire comment thread.

I Like This!

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

To Robert Krause, President SuperPets Regarding current rabbit ad

Dear Mr. Krause,

As a rabbit rescue in Los Angeles, we know First Hand what buying rabbits as 'toys' brings.  Starving, filthy, urine scalded, ear/fur mites, boney, lifeless eyes, etc etc.  Please Please don't advertise for business this way.  Below is an example of uneducated people buying rabbits as toys.

Fritz's left foot was swollen and painful from having been tethered in someone's back yard.  (link to the full story available upon request)

We hope in the future (and after this awful ad is pulled) you will work with House Rabbit Society to create win-win ads that have people adopt from a rescue where screening and education can take place beforehand.

SuperPet is doing a DISSERVICE to the animals that we are know you care for.  Please reconsider this ad campaign right away.

Thank you.

Alinda Lord

Link to HRS open letter:

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Updates + Good Stuff!!!

Hi all you bunny peeps!

Here's the latest! Animal Shelter Contest!!! Please vote!!

Your vote could win RabbitMatch $500!!! Please vote for (and any/all rabbit rescues!) and help the fuzzybottoms this holiday season!

and more...

Update from Kurosawa!!! from Sylvia and Sofie, his humans!

Hi Alinda and everyone at the adoption center,

Cutie Kurosawa is doing amazingly well, the children and the parents in the classroom just adore him. His cage is open early in the morning as we come to work and then he is free to roam around the classroom.

I promise we will send you pictures soon!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

and even more!!

Update from Pericles!!!  Pericles just moved TO JAPAN!!!  This msg is from his human, Chris.  Pericles is now known as Murphy.  : )

I just wanted you to know that Murphy is doing great!!!
My wife and him are getting along wonderfully. Our apartment is a little bit colder that LA, so my wife and him spend alot of time snuggling!!

Murphy handles the flight fine and quarantine as well. I was able to visit him and would stay for over an hour each day.
He's eating well and doing lots of binkies!!!

Have a wonderful thanksgiving!!

The bunnies wish you all a wonderful holiday season too. Come visit! 


Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous Animal Shelter Contest!!! Please vote!! - Los Angeles

Your vote could win RabbitMatch $500!!! Please vote for (and any/all rabbit rescues!) and help the fuzzybottoms this holiday season!


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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Folktale. Hedgehog. Beautiful animation. Enjoy.


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The many ways ideas get killed

another pesky creative person. all you marketing/design types will love this...(angie)

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Superhero Nursing Home - tooooooo funny!

Where does Clementine find this stuff!?

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Confucius 1st Place in Cutest Pets Contest!!!


* Congratulations Confucious and Alinda!! *

* First Place Winners of "Close Ups"

* Well Done! *

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We did it!!! Confucius is First Place Winner of "Close Ups"

Yahoooo!  Thanks all you bunny peeps.  We love you!

Check it out.  : )  We get to pick next week's subject.  Whatchoo think???  All volunteers MUST respond.  Confucius says so.

Subject: Cutest Pets Contest

* Congratulations Confucius!! *

* First Place Winners of "Close Ups"

* Well Done! *

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Uruguay trip pictures!!


Montevideo 8

Our trip to Uruguay in Nov 2009.

It was a 2 week factfinding trip to see if Uruguay would be a good place for us. It. Is. : )

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Uruguay trip pics. Take a look!

Our trip to Uruguay in Nov 2009.

It was a 2 week factfinding trip to see if Uruguay would be a good place for us to settle. It. Is. : )

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Computers for all, in Uruguay's schools

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Snowden adopted! Mom happy!!

From Doanh, Snowden's new mom:

Snowden has binkied 3 times tonight! Thank you so much for helping me meet him!

Yay team!!!

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Holiday Bunny Pawty & Auction! This Sunday!!

Holiday Bunny Pawty + Awesome Auction!

(Disclaimer: we did not allow this bunny to eat the cookie.
Please do not feed your bunny human cookies!)

Some of our Really Cool Auction Stuff

to benefit the fuzzbottoms...

Kindle: The Gift for All Seasons$259.00 Value!

$69.95 Value!
History of the English Language
36 lectures on CD by Professor Seth Lerer, Stanford professor

Sunday, November 23rd

  3pm - 7pm

2558 Kelton Avenue*
Los Angeles 90064

Featuring PetSave's Rabbitat gifts, rabbit toys + supplies!

Come get stocking stuffers for your favorite bun-buns!!

See you there! 

*Map Link:

Any questions, e-mail or call 310-713-2478
  or go to

Please shop or donate to help the rabbits.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Uruguay Real Estate and the British Invasion


Instead of an influx of rock-and-roll bands, an article in the October 24th issue of the UK newspaper, the Daily Mail, describes the British invasion of UK capital and celebrities coming to the beaches of Punta del Este to buy Uruguay real estate...

Posted via web from this wild ride

Paradise Uruguay: Time to buy real estate in Uruguay

Instead of an influx of rock-and-roll bands, an article in the October 24th issue of the UK newspaper, the Daily Mail, describes the British invasion of UK capital and celebrities coming to the beaches of Punta del Este to buy Uruguay real estate...

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Apple has a new take on social networking!

(tacky but funny)

Apple does it again!

Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost from $499 to $699, depending on cup and speaker size. 

This is considered a major social breakthrough because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is this the CUTEST picture you've ever seen??!!

...and here's the heartwarming story that goes with it...

from HopperHome's Bunny Blog!

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Music Taste Can Predict Personality

more interesting stuff from!

In a new study, a researcher found that the type of music you listen to is a great indicator of your personality.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Montevideo Suburb, Atlantida...

we headed east an north and followed Ruta 1 up the Rio de la Plata and then the Atlantic Ocean.  Antlantida is a nice suburb of Montevideo.
once out of the city proper, neighborhood streets (even upper income areas) were well maintained dirt roads.  No washboarding ever. 
a fuzzy pic of the beach along Atlantida .
I also wanted you to see the roof thatching they use on about 20% of the homes. this one was just finished.

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Montevideo in pictures...

This is a beautiful modern "european style" city is a lot like buenas aires, smaller and slightly quieter. 
we were originally greeted with showers and some thunder and lightning. we loved it.  the weather here  flies through fast since there are no high mountain chains to blockk or slow the moving weather patterns. 
this is La Rambla that runs all the way around the city.
a typical beautiful street.  Uruguayans really love trees as much as Argentinians.

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Uruguay,,,my new land

hi everyone.  we've been too damn busy running here and looking there to get any of our pics up so you can see the Extraordiarily Beautiful place that's Uruguay. Onward...
first four days in Montevideo,  Largest city.  Holds 1/2 the population of the country which has a total of abouth 3.5 million.  Here's a few shots of the b&b we stayed in, Una Noche Mas.  Great place.  Owners Eduardo and Carla are wonderful people. 

This was our bird's eye view apartment.  quite and great views.
...and off we went into our adventure...

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Jilted Bride Turns Reception into Halloween Party for Senior Citizens

For Teanne Harris, who’d spent months planning her fun and festive October 31st wedding, Halloween was meant to be the happiest day of her life. But not long before the planned nuptials, the groom got cold feet and backed out.

Harris, of course, was devastated. But after finding out that she wouldn’t be able to get a refund on any of her deposits for the big day, she and her mother decided to make the best of a bad situation—and donate the entire reception to a senior citizens’ center across the street from the catering hall in Des Plaines, Ill., where it was meant to be held.

for the full story:

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween afterthought...who knows who your holloween costume is closely related to?

I'd rate this one: kinda eery...

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dear bunny goddess save me...Cookie Cream Sandwiches... 8 P

and there's a recipe!!!

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chicken condos! check them out!! : )

i’m intrigued by the idea of backyard chickens, but i don’t use eggs or meat in my kitchen. plus my wanna-be-bird-hunting dog would torment them! more than the fantasy of having chickens though, i think i’m actually more obsessed with which fantasy coop design would be the best fit in my garden.

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VIDEO! Lionhead rabbits - see them roar!

Way scary!

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Southwest now allows animals in their planes--but not rabbits -- please write!


Southwest has recently unveiled a new program called P.A.W.S. (Pets are Welcome on Southwest), which allows customers for the first time to travel with companion animals.
Sadly, Southwest will not allow rabbits. Because so few airlines allow rabbits to fly (and only Continental allows them in the cabin), this is a good chance to politely ask Southwest to consider allowing rabbits. Let them know that rabbits are not "exotic" animals like reptiles or insects, but that they are very common companion animals.
Send a polite letter to Customer Relations asking them to allow rabbits on board:

Southwest Airlines Customer Relations
P.O. Box 36647
Dallas, TX  75235-1647

Please forward + crosspost.  The bunnies say 'Thanks!' to everybunny who writes on their behalf!

news item copied from House Rabbit Society's newsletter

PS the book above was illustrated by Eric Rohmann

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Friday, November 6, 2009

tour of the house we found in Las Flores Uruguay

click through to the slideshow. this place is heavenly. fully furnished. one house away from the beach. $550 per month -- yes, that is not a typo.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Anyone to sub for Lulu tomorrow???

Hi everyone!
Lulu has injured her foot and can t come in to the Annex to clean tomorrow.
Would any of you be available to take her place??

The bunnies thank you all in advance! 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lulu Mease <>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Tomorrow?
To: Rabbit Match <>, Lisa Edmondson <>, Inge Dehenin <>

Hey all
Sorry for the late notice but is there anyone who would cover for me tomorrow? I injured my foot and need to stay off of it for a couple of days.
Please let me know! If worse comes to worse I can come in for feeding and pets, Im just not sure I can stand long enough to clean.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Sent from my iPhone

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