Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ralphs Matching Program -- A FREE Way to Help Rabbits!

Let's help our wonderful sister rescue, LA Rabbit Foundation!  Thanks all you bunny peeps!

Ralph's Community Contribution Program
A FREE Way to Help Our Rabbits!


You can sign up to help the rabbits by logging in to First, register your Ralph's card. Then, sign up for the Community Contribution Program and select Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation (90794) to receive the benefits from all your Ralph's shopping.
This is how it works: the Ralph's Community Contribution Program gives free matching donations from Ralph's to non-profit organizations, based on the volume of shopping done by Ralph's cardholders who register to help those particular non-profits. The program costs shoppers nothing and it's a great fundraiser for a small group like ours. We need all the funds we can get to pay for educational materials, adoption packet materials, supplies for our foster homes, supplies for the public shelter rabbits, vet bills, neuter assistance, and more. None of our volunteers get paid--all the group's funds are used to help the rabbits.
Please help spread the word about this wonderful program and remember to sign up or re-sign up* so that we don't lose any of the benefits from your grocery shopping.

* If you already enrolled in the Ralph's Community Contribution Program before August 31, you still have to re-register for the new term starting September 1.    

Thank you on behalf of the rabbits!


Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous

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