Hello Los Angeles! The twins, Skye and Zanzibar, checking in to bid a fond farewell to our fans!!! Yes, our appeal for a second wave of adopters was successful and we're both in our respective new forever homes!!! However, it was close once again!! Zanzi's family lost her carrier. Fortunately she was not in it. Skye's mom locked her keys in the trunk, had no time to shop for her list of essentials and almost missed RabbitMatch hours!!
So as we throw out a thousand bunny kisses to all we'd like to add: pullleeezzze, Los Angeles, be careful out there!! Obey all traffic laws!! Remember, most accidents happen at home. Don't leave a puddle on the floor as you wash the greens!!! Though we're sure we were the creme de la creme (!!!!), more fabulous buns are longing to rendezvous with you at RabbitMatch. Please don't overlook our pink eyed lapins. Some of the most fun loving personalities hide behind those pigment free peepers!! Love, Skye and Zanzibar
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