Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hollywood has a 'Panic Attack!' - Uruguayan filmmaker sends in the robots...

Hollywood has a 'Panic Attack!'

A few weeks ago, a movie industry pal tipped me off to an especially cool new YouTube short by an obscure filmmaker from Uruguay. "Watch it," he said. "This guy is going to be a big star."

I've been around long enough to know that people in Hollywood make those kind of pronouncements all the time -- and they're usually 90% hyperbole. But this time my friend was right on the money. In Hollywood, an industry obsessed with discovering the Next Big Thing, often opportunity doesn't just knock -- it will beat down the door...

more here...http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/the_big_picture/2009/11/hollywood-has-a-panic-attack.html#

Patrick Goldstein on the collision of entertainment, media and pop culture

Posted via web from rabbitmatch's posterous

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