Thursday, December 31, 2009
Your generosity made 54 bunny adoptions possible in 2009!

The bunnies say thanks...
Marie A - Calgary Canada (Amythest, Munchkins & Pearl)Kasey & Frank K - Glendale CA (Ursula, Bun Bun, Pretty and Geiger)Maggie L - Aurora NYCathy B - Atwood CA (Clare de Lune and Jessie) Lauren F - Los Angeles CA (Rhapsodie and Maserati) Leila F - Philadelpha PALauren M - Slidell LADonna S - Dallas TXAlli S - Los Angeles CAElise A - Agoura Hills CA (Lucinda)Bob M - Sierra Valley Hay - Loyalton CA Your generosity made these 54 adoptions possible this year. Every one of these kiddos is happily ordering a human around somewhere. ; ) DianaBrigitta
Zeta Centauri
Clare de Lune
Bentley McPlush
Bunda LandowskaYou helped rock the world for bunnies!
A Bunny Tale -- Why Some Rabbits Have Pink Eyes

Why Some Rabbits Have Pink EyesA long, long time ago when the world was very new and all the animals were learning why they were created, the Maker of Animals spoke to the rabbits."You must ensure our world continues by helping to feed the eagles and the foxes, for without them and others of their kind, all life on our world will soon die out. In gratitude, I grant you the ability to run very fast so many of you will escape. I also grant you many other gifts which will allow your family to increase. Rabbits will always be!"One odd-looking little white rabbit with pink eyes spoke up, saying "But Maker, what about me? I look really different than my brothers and sisters and my eyes are so sensitive I can't bear to go outside during the daylight. I'm afraid my family will disappoint you and fail in your plans for us."The Maker gently took up the white rabbit and spoke thus, "Oh, sweet bunny, you have a very special gift! You are all white to show the rabbits' pure love, kindness, and gentleness to all the humans in this new world. You and many others of your kind, white or not, will be chosen to live with fortunate humans who need and appreciate the very special connection between
humans and many of my animals.""Maker," said the white bunny, "my family will gladly give love to those who seek it. But still I wonder why my eyes are pink - so different than all these other rabbits."The Maker stroked the fur of this oh-so-curious, smart little rabbit, now called Bunny. "Well, My Own, your kind in particular will be those most blessed of rabbits who will be able to see their beloved humans through rose-colored eyes!"
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The third law of thermodynamics states NOTHING can reach absolute zero. We'd like to add, except in relationships.
found at this Etsy shop: Bunny Tale -- Why Some Rabbits Have Pink Eyes

Why Some Rabbits Have Pink EyesA long, long time ago when the world was very new and all the animals were learning why they were created, the Maker of Animals spoke to the rabbits."You must ensure our world continues by helping to feed the eagles and the foxes, for without them and others of their kind, all life on our world will soon die out. In gratitude, I grant you the ability to run very fast so many of you will escape. I also grant you many other gifts which will allow your family to increase. Rabbits will always be!"One odd-looking little white rabbit with pink eyes spoke up, saying "But Maker, what about me? I look really different than my brothers and sisters and my eyes are so sensitive I can't bear to go outside during the daylight. I'm afraid my family will disappoint you and fail in your plans for us."The Maker gently took up the white rabbit and spoke thus, "Oh, sweet bunny, you have a very special gift! You are all white to show the rabbits' pure love, kindness, and gentleness to all the humans in this new world. You and many others of your kind, white or not, will be chosen to live with fortunate humans who need and appreciate the very special connection between
humans and many of my animals.""Maker," said the white bunny, "my family will gladly give love to those who seek it. But still I wonder why my eyes are pink - so different than all these other rabbits."The Maker stroked the fur of this oh-so-curious, smart little rabbit, now called Bunny. "Well, My Own, your kind in particular will be those most blessed of rabbits who will be able to see their beloved humans through rose-colored eyes!"
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ya know, people don't get any kinder than this...

Shoji sent you a message. --------------------
Subject: hey hey i forgot to tell lulu about certain things so here it is. (if you can pass it on to other volunteers, thatll be great)
so i brought some veggies but i realized they are a bit sandy and some have clumps of mud (especially the cilantros) so i advise you wash it well and maybe soak it in water so theyll freshen up!
also, i brought some cut strawberries that should be given soon. sooner the better because they go bad pretty fast. i asked lulu to put them in the fridge so thats where it "should" be! :) also, the grape vines are not completely dry so make sure you put it in a well ventilated area or maybe outside to let it dry more...
i think thats it... if i remember something, ill PM you again.
it was a pleasure seeing your lovely and beautiful bunnies! they all look soooo happy! :D
take care and i hope to see ya soon!
House rabbits are 100% VEGAN & GREEN companions.Find out more here!
PO Box 642839
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Email: RabbitMatch @
(a 501c3 nonprofit project of
Congratulations on your Love This Site Award!!
House rabbits are 100% VEGAN & GREEN companions.
green veggies + little bit of rabbit pellets 2 x per day.
They're litterbox trained (if spayed/neutered)
and quiet.
They have no animal odor, they're 99% non-allergic, have no dander
and clean themselves scrupulously.
They poop and pee on hay that makes great organic garden fertilizer.
plus you get binkies and nosebonks. check it out. ; )
Share your bunnies happy face and win $1000 for your favorite (bunny) charity! ; )

lots of stuff to win including $1000 for your favorite furkid charity!!!
Enter now!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Have a merry, pet-safe holiday

We all know how wonderful the holidays can be...the lights, decorations, family and friends, the smells of freshly baked goodies and a delicious holiday feast. We all love our bunnies, guinea pigs and other small furry companions; while they are a part of our family, the lights, sounds and smells of the season can make this a stressful time for them. Here are some tips to help keep them safe and healthy:..
update on rabbit pelts in Glendale coffee house!
On Dec 27, 2009, at 7:38 PM, Rabbit Match <> wrote:hi J.just curious if anything has happened. saw boots today with rabbit fur that looked a lot like my bun, Semaphora. bleh. alinda
House rabbits are 100% GREEN companions.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Bunda gets a home and a guy!

What a quote...Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
[visit]Why spay and neuter rabbits?
rabbits are healthier and live longer than unaltered rabbits.
The risk of reproductive cancers (ovarian, uterine, mammarian) for
an unspayed female rabbit stands at is virtually eliminated by
spaying your female rabbit. Your neutered male rabbit will live
longer as well, given that he won't be tempted to fight with other
animals (rabbits, cats, etc.) due to his sexual aggression.
rabbits make better companions. They are calmer, more loving,
and dependable once the undeniable urge to mate has been removed. In
addition, rabbits are less prone to destructive (chewing, digging)
and aggressive (biting, lunging, circling, growling) behavior after
of obnoxious behavior. Unneutered male rabbits spray, and both
males and females are much easier to litter train, and much more
reliably trained, after they have been altered.
rabbits won't contribute to the problem of overpopulation of
rabbits. Over 15 million adorable dogs, cats, and rabbits are
killed in animal shelters in this country every year. In addition,
unwanted rabbits are often abandoned in fields, parks, or on city
streets to fend for themselves, where they suffer from starvation,
sickness, and are easy prey to other animals or traffic accidents.
Those rabbits who are sold to pet stores don't necessarily fare any
better, as pet stores sell pets to anyone with the money to
buy, and don't check on what kind of home they will go to. Many of
these rabbits will be sold as snake food, or as a pet for a small
child who will soon "outgrow" the rabbit.
rabbits can safely have a friend to play with. Rabbits are
social animals and enjoy the company of other rabbits. But unless
your rabbit is altered, he or she cannot have a friend, either of
the opposite sex, or the same sex, due to sexual and aggressive
behaviors triggered by hormones.
and neutering for rabbits has become a safe procedure when
performed by experienced rabbit veterinarians. The House
Rabbit Society has had over 1000 rabbits spayed or neutered with
approximately .1% mortality due to anesthesia. A knowledgeable
rabbit veterinarian can spay or neuter your rabbit with very little
risk to a healthy rabbit. Don't allow a veterinarian with little or
no experience with rabbits to spay or neuter your rabbit.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Our 2010 Rabbit Match calendar is live on Cafepress!!! Order now!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
New Year's Resolutions for Rabbits and Humans

- Stop incessantly begging for treats
- Lose the rabbitude
- No early morning jingle toy concerts
- Leave the people furniture alone
- Eat more leafy greens
- Stop eating potato chips or other crunchies around the rabbits
- Accept your place in the household hierarchy
- Buy headphones so bunnies don't have to listen to your awful music
- Buy more bunny furniture
- Eat more leafy greens
American Red Cross offers 12 holiday safety tips for you and your sleigh...
WASHINGTON, Monday, December 14, 2009 — With last-minute gifts to buy, social events to attend and family and friends to visit while the weather outside is frightful, the American Red Cross has 12 days of health and safety tips to make the holiday season safe, happy and bright.
- Prepare your vehicle for traveling to grandmother’s house. Make an emergency kit and include items such as blankets or sleeping bags, jumper cables, fire extinguisher (5 lb., A-B-C type), compass and road maps, shovel, tire repair kit and pump, extra clothing, flares, tow rope.
- Drive your sleigh and reindeer safely. Avoid driving in a storm, but if you must, keep your gas tank full for emergency use and to keep the fuel line from freezing. Let someone know your destination, route and when you expect to arrive.
- Help prevent the spread of the flu. Wash hands with soap and water as often as possible, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.Use sanitizing wipes to disinfect hard surfaces such as airplane tray tables, luggage handles, cell phones, door handles and seat armrests.
- Prevent hypothermia by following Santa’s lead. Dress in several layers of lightweight clothing, which will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat.Wear a hat, preferably one that covers your ears. Seek medical attention immediately if you have symptoms of hypothermia, including confusion, dizziness, exhaustion and severe shivering.
- Use a Red Cross-trained babysitter when attending holiday festivities. Red Cross-certified babysitters learn to administer basic first aid; properly hold and feed a child; take emergency action when needed; monitor safe play and actively engage your child; and some may be certified in Infant and Child CPR.
- Avoid danger while roasting chestnuts over an open fire. Stay in the kitchen while you are cooking and be alert. Keep anything flammable—such as potholders, towels or curtains—away from your stove top.Have a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet around the stove and areas where hot food or drinks are prepared or carried.
- Be a lifesaver during the holidays and always. The Red Cross recommends at least one person in every household should be trained and certified in first aid and CPR/AED. Your local Red Cross chapter has conveniently scheduled courses and can have you trained and certified in a few hours.
- Designate a driver or skip the holiday cheer. When you designate a driver who won’t be drinking, you help make sure a good party doesn’t turn into a tragedy. A good host ensures there are non-alcoholic beverages available for drivers. The designated driver should not drink any alcoholic beverages, not even one.
- When the weather outside is frightful, heat your home safely. Never use your stove or oven to heat your home. Never leave portable heaters or fireplaces unattended. Install smoke alarms on every floor of your home and outside all sleeping areas and test them once a month.
- Cut down on your heating bills without being a Grinch. Get your furnace cleaned by a professional; change the filters regularly. Make sure heat vents aren’t blocked by furniture. Close off any rooms you aren’t using and close heat vents or turn off radiators in those rooms. Use either insulating tape or caulking strips to surround your windows and door moldings. Put up storm windows or storm doors to keep the cold out.
- Don’t move a muscle, until they buckle. Each person in your vehicle should have their seatbelts securely fastened before driving off. Ensure children are buckled up and their car seats are installed appropriately based on their age and size. Children 12 and under should always sit in the back seat.
- Resolve to Be Red Cross Ready in the New Year. You can take one or more actions to prepare now, should you or your family face an emergency in 2010. Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday from the American Red Cross.
About the American Red Cross:
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies nearly half of the nation's blood; teaches lifesaving skills; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or join our blog at
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
House rabbits are 100% VEGAN companions.
eat 90% free-feed hay
green veggies + little bit of rabbit pellets 2 x per day
litterbox trained (if spayed/neutered)
no body odor
clean themselves scrupulously
poop and pee on hay that's to-die-for garden fertilizer
99% non-allergic, no dander
plus you get binkies and nosebonks. check it out.
<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param></object>
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Garden Gnome Has Worldwide Adventure -- How Fun!!

If you’ve ever seen the French film Amelie, you can probably recall your own envy towards that garden gnome, whose round-the-world adventures caught on camera would certainly dwarf most people’s international travels. Well, another traveling lawn ornament has just followed in her footsteps...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cute Overload -- It's true, now suffering from acute cute...
I’ve diligently prepared for this role.
see the whole story...
Snowden becomes a Japanese film star!

Snowden is doing great! We renamed him Totoro after the character from the Japanese movie Totoro by Miyazaki. He really looks like him! Hmm, he's kind of settled in. I let him out a lot to run around my room. He's definitely becoming a real sweetheart! =] though he still doesn't like to be held. >< Wonder if that will change after he trusts me more. the internet has definitely taught me how to work with Totoro. I'm also learning about him a lot too. He definitely has personality and that works just fine with me.
Thank you again for helping me and hope to hear from you again soon!
Much love,
Winners: -- Stunning Photos
To view this email in a web browser, click here |
| | 97 Central Street, Suite 403 | Lowell | MA | 01852 |

House rabbits are 100% VEGAN companions.
green veggies + little bit of rabbit pellets 2 x per day
litterbox trained (if spayed/neutered)
no body odor
clean themselves scrupulously
poop and pee on hay that's to-die-for garden fertilizer
99% non-allergic, no danderplus you get binkies and nosebonks. check it out.
Do you use laptop? Look!
I must have missed this amazing piece of research that explains the different positions one can use a laptop in and the corresponding points of pain and stress each causes.
Researchers found that "a conventional small clamshell laptop is most comfortably used lying down in bed with the device on the thigh when the knees are kept up."