Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Confucius plays Bunny Mind Games on today's Daily Bunny!!

Mind Control!  Coni is one of our wonderful adoptions from LA to Boston.  Amazing boy.  Handsome too.  ; )

Bunny Mind Games


Confucius the bunny (thinking): Heh, I'll bet the cat's totally weirded out right now that I'm sitting here quietly and not chasing her away...

Belle the cat: Okay, I'm getting freaked out now... why is the bunny sitting there quietly behind me?  How come he isn't chasing me?  Is he up to something???


Confucius: Okay, wait for it... in 3... 2...--

Belle: Gah!!  I can't take it anymore!  I'm out of here!


Confucius:  Heh-heh... that should be good for at least one week of the cat leaving me alone... Excellent.  Now, I nap.

:P  A rare moment of parallel lounging in our house!  Usually when these two are that close, there's more grunting involved!  ...I am actually pretty sure that's what was going on in their heads :P  


Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous

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