Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bunderful News – January 2008

Bunderful Humor!

We thought this sign from Animal Match Rescue Team’s website was Perfect for the New Year coming up! How about we all make a resolution to spay and neuter all our weird friends and relatives? What a difference it could make! : )

Bunderful Legend!

Why Some Rabbits Have Pink Eyes

A long, long time ago when the world was very new and all the animals were learning why they were created, the Maker of Animals spoke to the rabbits.

"You must ensure our world continues by helping to feed the eagles and the foxes, for without them and others of their kind, all life on our world will soon die out. In gratitude, I grant you the ability to run very fast so many of you will escape. I also grant you many other gifts which will allow your family to increase. Rabbits will always be!"

One odd-looking little white rabbit with pink eyes spoke up, saying "But Maker, what about me? I look really different than my brothers and sisters and my eyes are so sensitive I can't bear to go outside during the daylight. I'm afraid my family will disappoint you and fail in your plans for us."

The Maker gently took up the white rabbit and spoke thus, "Oh, sweet bunny, you have a very special gift! You are all white to show the rabbits' pure love, kindness, and gentleness to all the humans in this new world. You and many others of your kind, white or not, will be chosen to live with fortunate humans who need and appreciate the very special connection between
humans and many of my animals."

"Maker," said the white bunny, "my family will gladly give love to those who seek it. But still I wonder why my eyes are pink - so different than all these other rabbits."

The Maker stroked the fur of this oh-so-curious, smart little rabbit, now called Bunny. "Well, My Own, your kind in particular will be those most blessed of rabbits who will be able to see their beloved humans through rose-colored eyes!"

~the author wishes to remain anonymous

Bunderful News!

December Adoptions

Pythagoras (pre-haircut)



These little fuzzbottoms found bunderful forever homes this month.
Thank you!
Send pictures!

Bunderful Bun Facts!

Rabbit Breeds from A-Z

Bunderful Video of the Month!

The REAL Energizer Bunny!

Bunderful Class!

For new rabbit humans! A great way to start 2008!

Our Los Angeles expert,

Michelle Kelly of LA Rabbit Foundation (and a House Rabbit Society Certified Educator),

puts together lots of great information.

Great place to ask questions too!

Rabbit Care Workshop!
January 27, 2008!


See you there!

Our Bunderful Bun of the Month!


I am the most handsome bunny boy on Planet Earth. My coat is the color of an Alaskan snow wolf. They call it “lilac” but all the bunny girls think it’s very macho. I flatten out for pets and close my eyes. I call it “Pet Zen”. I’m a 9 lb bundle of love who needs to have more room to play than a 2 x 3 ft c-c-c-c-cage. Please come get me.

Love, Confucius

To meet me, fill out our application form at and one of my humans will contact you very soon.

And two of our Bunderful Adopters!

Annie & Dominoes (Andromeda) with her sister, Christie & Cocoa (Paisley)

(We love bunny people.)

Please send (small) jpegs of your buns so we can show them off! Thanks!

Curious about house rabbits? Talk to us!
PO Box 642839
Los Angeles, CA 90064

For every rabbit bought from a breeder or pet store, one in a shelter dies.
Give a bun the gift of life.
Make adoption your option.


Note: If you’d like to sign up for our newsletter, or you'd rather not receive Bunderful News in the future (they're monthly), please send us an email and let us know. We'll put you on or take you off the list right away. Thanks.

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