Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tickets to see George Bush on sale for $4.95
Doesn't that face just motivate the hell out of ya??
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
The nicest bunnyboy in the world got adopted today...UPDATE!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
He’s fuzzy like the fruit...
I’m getting a little jealous since he tends to follow my boyfriend a bit more than me, but he’s getting bolder and starting to jump on to the couch and perch next to me while watching tv. I should be able to take him to the vet this weekend, I didn’t realize my week with him had flown by so quickly!
As promised! =) For a bit, he was hiding under our coffee table, but for the past few days, Momo’s taken a liking to climbing on the couch and then flopping next to us. Will send more soon!
Cat hijacks Roomba....
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Cool little home above Napa Valley...
when dave allen saw this little 900 square foot house in the woods above napa, it had been abandoned and left open and was basically uninhabitable, but there was something magical about it and david decided to take the plunge. the house had been built in the 1940s as a summer cabin. since the home’s paper-thin walls and questionable foundation make a remodel impractical, david intends to eventually build a new structure on the site. in the meantime, he looked for inexpensive ways to make this summer cabin comfortable and liveable – and when he does build his new space, you can bet he’ll salvage everything possible from this one! {thanks dave! and thanks to adrian gregorutti for the photos!}[I'm completely happy in my unheated hideout, drawing water from an above ground spring and sharing with the space with bats and raccoons. Bonus features that bring me daily pleasure include a creek and a mountain (which, as it seems to be unclaimed, I’ve informally annexed). My nearest neighbors are the vineyards of the famous Hess Winery. Down the hill in my Sonoma showroom, Artefact Design & Salvage. I tend toward overscale and unusual objects displayed rather dramatically. At home I simply want to surround myself with meaningful objects. So in my wee cabin my only ongoing conscious design consideration is trying to keep the ambience calm and uncluttered despite layers of favorite objects competing for attention everywhere in the tiny space.]
The kitchen had been stripped of everything and was just an empty alcove. I brought in Ikea cabinets and had a friend pour the raw concrete countertop. Ceiling is corrugated aluminum, flooring is simply painted subfloor.The painting is by Roger Groth. I have a little frog living in the staghorn fern (Platycerium Superbum) just under the gold corncob trophy. Last summer when I discovered him I put him outside, thinking he’d been trapped by accident. But a few days later he was back. We’re now old friends and on warm evenings he croaks happily.
Painting by Mark Hobley. Corrugated aluminum siding from Home Depot. Buddha collection, gilt angel wings are Italian antiques.
Skylight is original, though I did have to re-sheetrock the ceiling to get rid of the mold. The oversize armoire is salvaged from a textile mill in India, and the bookshelves I out of scaffolding frames I found in Belgium.CLICK HERE for the rest of Dave’s peek after the jump!
Carved column from Rajastan. Painted surface has a particular ancient crustiness unique to India. Overhead beam is salvaged California Redwood. I had these lying around and installed them here simply to add a bit of intrigue.
Original pine paneling above stairs which lead to a narrow utility room and basement below. Fragment of a gilt pier mirror from a burnt Baltimore mansion hangs above the (1967 Gretsch Country Gentleman) guitar. Zinc balustrade is from Paris Flea Market
Limestone putti heads, architectural terra cotta fragments, Italian marble panel and antique Italian gilt fruit swags
Design*Sponge: dave allen of artefact design & salvage
Mark Your Calendars!! Rabbit Foundation Holiday Party: November 22, 2009
If you're traveling west on Pico, turn left on Veteran, then left at Ayres. Go one block and turn right on Kelton. If you're traveling east on Pico, turn right on Veteran, then left at Ayres. Go one block and turn right on Kelton.
All proceeds benefit homeless rabbits!! Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Donations cheerfully accepted, not required. See you there!
Monday, October 26, 2009
More excessive cute...
Click here for great quotes from top international movers!
Okay, I died an excruciating death by cute overdose and it's this furball's fault...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
500 years of women - spruiked
beautiful morphed history of women in painting...we need to remember this for International Women's Day.
Just checking...
The nicest bunnyboy in the world got adopted today...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Palm bitch
straight from Flickr. this was just too punny to pass up. Since this is where I'll be next week, I can only guess how I'll mangle Spanish... ; )
Rich Germans want to pay higher taxes to help with recovery — MercoPress
A group of rich Germans has launched a petition calling for the government to make wealthy people pay higher taxes. The group says they have more money than they need, and the extra revenue could fund economic and social programmes to aid Germany’s economic recovery.
Who woulda thunk?!
There actually are (rich) sane, generous, unselfish peeps out there. That's very good news. Hope it's catching.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Look at the 3D creation! it's made with old wood and peeling paint...
by henriqu -oliveira
see more at Design*Sponge
Bunny Puts Woman Behind Bars!! No Kidding!
February 26, 2009 - 10:30 p.m. -Bunny Puts Woman Behind Bars - A woman in the UK is back behind bars after she said her child’s pet bunny chewed through an electrical wire powering her monitoring equipment. She had been in prison for three months for money laundering. She was banned from leaving her family home in the evenings. But Cuddles (above) chewed through the receiver unit cable in the house. She and her husband called the engineer who could see the cable had been chewed. However, police took her back to prison since they believed the unit was tampered with instead. Someone needs to test the cords for rabbit DNA because Cuddles looks really guilty.
thanks, Inge. Funny story!
Owl Family Takes a Bath
Gimundo is such a great site.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ginger and I celebrated our 4th year together!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Leith Petwerks has a new Multi-Level Bunny Home!!!
Very cool condo for those times your bun-bun Really Needs to Get Away from the Pesky Humans. ; )
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Meet the World's Smallest Rabbit
RT from Zooh Corner:
Thanks Alex!!! Toooooooo Cuuuuuuuute!
Meet Jet and Jigger...bigger.