Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Catching up on LUV...

Well, I'm bunsitting one of our bunnies who was with us LOooonong ago...Jeremy, a blue eyed 2 lb dwarf boy.  He looks like his bum got dipped in an ink pot.  My upstairs neighbors adopted him about 2 years ago.  They're heading for vaca for 5 days so I get to snuggle...

Don't be too jealous.  ; )

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We LOVE our adopters...



After bringin Krugie home, him and Diana were re-enacting “War of the Roses” movie. :( They were sent to a rabbit bonder for much needed marriage counseling. I had very low hopes of them patching things up.

UPDATE: They are home and having their honeymoon for the first time, Thank God! Natalie, the rabbit bonder, is our angel! The first time I saw them laying side by side I was the happiest mother in the world. I think I even teared up alittle. FYI: Krugie’s new name is Thumper and Diana’s new name is Muffin Bun. I will put up pics of them real soon. They make me fuzzy and warm inside everytime I see their adorable little faces. THANK U RABBIT MATCH FOR MY LATEST ADDITION TO MY FAMILY. I can’t imagine my life without them.

NATALIA, West Hollywood

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Face of Iran...

SocialDocumentary.net publishes new photos taken in Iran in recent days.

via HuffPo

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Bunny wisdom for monday morning...

via bunnychurch.com

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Monday, June 29, 2009

When we all work together, good things happen...

A little update about Mr. Kurosawa, he is adapting pretty good to his new home! The children in the classroom had been nothing but super caring, loving and extra careful. So far, he still in the exploratory stage, his door cage is open all the time and he had come out to explore within 3 feet around his cage and then hops back in. (soon I will send photos). Our group of children is working on a ballot to find a first name for him. They had come up with great names like “cutie” “snowflake” even “Alexander” and of course “Peter”. We will let you know his official first name soon! He seems to be happy and continues to have good appetite (which is a great sign of a happy bunny).

Thank you for the links to better care for bunnies and I was even able to check out beginning rabbit care video from my local library.

We will keep in touch!


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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Peep show...

Okay, i just HAD to post this...

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Check out this website I found at homefurever.wordpress.com

Great perspective on what REALLY happens when you adopt...

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Red Door Shelter Goes Middle Eastern

This is posted especially for Angie. : )

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What American accent do you have?

Check out this website I found at gotoquiz.com

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Book returned to library 145 years overdue

Check out this website I found at guardian.co.uk

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Naked ex-mayor arrested at campsite

Not Pretty

When the first sentence of the article reads like this, you know it's gonna be good.

"A former mayor found sitting naked and holding a beer at a Rabun County campsite told police he wasn't the same naked man seen walking around earlier..."

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Eiger Dude Goes Hoooooooome!!!!

Our wonderful boy went home today with two wonderful girls, a mom and dad, who will love him to distraction.  ; )

Life is good in Bunny World.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

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Church of the Cosmic Bunny

Peace & Wisdom through Bunnyness...makes perfect sense to me!

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astronauts witness eruption from International Space Station

Stunning pictures of the volcano that blew a hole in the sky as astronauts witness eruption from International Space Station.  Framed by a circle of clouds, this is a stunning illustration of Nature's powerful force.  A plume of smoke, ash and steam soars five miles into the sky from an erupting volcano. The extraordinary image was captured by the crew of the International Space Station 220 miles above a remote Russian island in the North Pacific.

Enlarge   Bird's Eye View: Safe from harm, NASA scientists look down on the Sarychev Peak volcano as the dramatic eruption takes place. The force of the blast sends clouds scattering

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The bunny goddess can't make 'em any cuter...

It's impossible!  This is Ayashe.  Everyone say 'Awwwwwww...'   ; )

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video teaser image
21 Accents in 2 and a Half Minutes
If you haven't seen this talented actress' tour of 21 accents yet, you're sure to be amazed. See if you can tell where she's really from! (Hint: It's someplace rainy.) Watch the Video.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Making a Life...

June 10, 2009 in Uncategorized | by rabbitmatch (Edit)

Dina & Eiger 2

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill

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Rabbits looking for humans!

RabbitMatch.org works specifically with abandoned Los Angeles rabbits. Our goal is to find each bun the perfect indoor home. In the meantime, we also provide them a calm, healthy environment while they're waiting for that perfect human to come along. That's where YOU come in!

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Kurosawa, the Gentle Samurai...

...finds love and a furever home.

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A bell pepper snob...

She's doing GREAT.  We let her have the run of the house for a little while today, and began the introductions to Mickey.  Wait till you see the pictures of them together.  We've had a camera in her face for three days, poor thing.  She's eating the finest organic greens, and is particular to basil and mint...she's a bell pepper snob, though.  Not interested.  We also built her the rabbit condo of the century, and a mini-condo downstairs in the living room for family time, until she's mastered running the entire house.  Pics attached.

She's done a few binkys, licked me like crazy, and bit my tush this morning.  We are crazy about her and so happy...you said we'd "know", and our instinct was right.  You guys are terrific, and really know your bunnies. :)

See and download the full gallery on posterous

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Albino Crows Discovered in Canada | Gimundo | Good News... Served Daily

If you’re spending the summer months stuck in your office instead of soaking up some rays at the beach, you may be looking a little paler than you’d like –but you’re sure to have a little more color than the recently-discovered albino crows of East Vancouver, Canada...

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Bunny body language, part II

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ailin Exposed!!!

Ailin is caught by paparazzi in her new top-of-line car seat. 

It's Inge's fault.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bunny body language, part one

We’ve reviewed the language of rabbit ears, and covered some of the basics of RabbitSpeak in previous blogs. These must be taken in context with the overall body language of the rabbit. You can usually see all of the following body language at any given mealtime at my house...more at http://www.examiner.com/x-7748-Dayton-Small-Pets-Examiner~y2009m6d21-Bunny-body-language-part-one?cid=examiner-email#

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Imogen update! Woohoo!

... She's already made herself at home, taken a little snooze on my tummy and licked me to death.  She's eating, drinking, chewing, exploring and eyeballing through the gate - doesn't seem fazed at all... 

We loooove her!  More pics to come, and thanks again so much.

Samantha, Joe and Kirsten

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The girlie-grrrrrl goes home...

I went home today!  Adopted!  Yay me!!!  ; )

I love my new humans too.  <3

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Friday, June 19, 2009


4:10 PM ET -- A letter from Tehran. An Iranian-American friend translates a letter from a 30-year-old female architect in Iran, written yesterday.

The events of the last couple of days have been so moving that I haven't be able to digest it all yet. Life was already fast and hectic enough in Tehran where we wouldn't have time to get to everything, now after 3 PM everything comes to a halt and based on a collective agreement, we all leave our houses or daily routines and head towards downtown without any transportation! Believe me that every day we leave the house, we are not sure if we will make it back. Some of us like me and my family and our close friends who are among the crowd every day worry even more and each night after the rally we keep calling each other to make sure everyone is back home safe and sound. During the rallies we see such variety of bitter and sweet incidents that it gives us material to think about for months to come. We come across small kids, men and women over 75 years old, people from all walks of life.

Today I saw a blind young man accompanied by his father, many people with broken limbs, blued eyes, and many who carry the pictures of those killed in the events which breaks your heart.

Many people distribute drinks and refreshments to protestors, some wave hands from the windows of their houses showing their green ribbons, and all of this, in an unbelievable moving silence.

Remember when in middle school as a composition homework, we had to write about "Imagine you could see the seed of people's hearts." Today these green ribbons have become those seeds. When you see them you get energized, and feel that you are all one. Cheating these people is worse than any crime and it is such a loss to waste all this hope and energy. I hope we make something good out of it.

I have to add that what you and other Iranians outside of Iran are doing to support us is really warming our hearts. We are sure what you are doing is very effective. When they ask all foreign reporters to leave the country and when all of the communication channels are disconnected, it is your voice that takes our voice to the outside world.

Many criticize us and wonder what does Mr. Mousavi have that is so special? They argue that after all he is one of the many in that corrupt system of the Islamic Republic and will never act against it. My argument is that this is not about Mousavi, but about people realizing that they are not followers like a herd of sheep that goes anywhere it is summoned to go. They will know that the individual will does matter and that their actions can be effective and can speak louder than any specific person; this to me is the most important aspect of these events. Now either Mousavi or anyone else who will end up in power, they will have the understanding of what people want and what they are capable of, and how they can voice their requests. This is the significant and important step and now that Mousavi has chosen to go ahead, we will support him.

I had so much to tell! It is so good talk to each other.


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British Grocery Store Uses Kinetic Parking Lots for Power

At the new Sainsbury's supermarket in Gloucester, you can help provide power to the shop simply by driving your car through the lot.

By Kathryn Hawkins. Posted on June 18 2009 Filed under General InterestGreenScience

Sainsbury's store and parking lot

This week, British grocery store chain Sainsbury’s is opening a new store in Gloucester that is, quite literally, powered by the people.

There’s nothing too uncommon about the supermarket itself, but the parking lot offers a unique feature: kinetic road plates, which generate energy every time a car drives over them. The energy is harnessed through a generator, which processes about 30 kilowatts of power every hour. While that’s probably not enough electricity to charge up the high-tech gadgets at your local Apple store, it works perfectly well when it comes to powering the cashiers’ stands, allowing you to ring up your purchases sustainably (even if the food itself may not always be the greenest).

The shop is striving for eco-friendliness in all sorts of ways: it also features rainwater tanks to collect fresh water, solar hot water systems, and a design with a focus on natural light. Rather than dumping construction waste from the building site into landfills, the company recycled 90% of the material. The kinetic plate system, however, is the store’s true spotlight, and serves as a test case to see whether such a system can be functional on a large scale.

“If the plates prove effective we absolutely will look to roll it out more widely,” said a spokesperson for Sainsbury’s. “We estimate the system will recoup costs in two years, which isn’t always the case with green measures.”

While the idea may seem innovative, Sainsbury’s isn’t the first place to pull its power from the people: the Green Microgym in Portland, Oregon uses exercisers’ workouts on stationary bicycles to power the gym’s TV and stereo, and at the Glastonbury Music Festival later this month, music-lovers will have the chance to recharge their dying cell phones with a foot pump-powered generator. And as far as transportation goes, there’s one age-old human powered method that still can’t be beat: Walking.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

New airline Pet Airways' only passengers to be four-legged - USATODAY.com

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Rebecca does remodeling...

Rebecca (Princess Olga) was one of our very early adoptions along with her hubby Timmy (Lord Beckett).  She is everything we remember.  ; )

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stop motion video using polaroids...


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Some bunnies need our help!



We have a deadline of July 31st to pay of our nearly-five thousand dollar vet bill. Anything you can do to help is much appreciated! (If you  wish to make a monetary donation you may do so via our website http://www.mybunny.org, or by check:

Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue
PO Box 2192
San Gabriel CA 91778


1) Gather stuff for us to sell - from friends, neighbors, etc.

2) Spread the word! Tell people about the sale and to save the date.
  - Help distribute fliers (when they are made, we can email file to
  - Email your friends and family
  - Post date AND REMINDERS to FACEBOOK, TWITTER, etc. . . . .

  Please contact, or Susan Shum if you can help.


  Alexandra Logsdon
  Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue

  (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
  (")_(") into your signature to help him gain world domination.

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